How to Add or Update Client Assets
To Add or Update Client Assets
Step 1: Go to the Client List
Navigate to the Client List on the Early Warning Dashboard.
Step 2: Search for the Client
Use the search function to locate the client.
Step 3: Edit Client Details
Click the edit icon under the “Actions” column.
Step 4: View Assets
Select the “Assets V2” tab to view all assets added for the client.
Step 5: Update an Existing Asset
To update an asset:
- Search for the asset.
- Click the edit icon next to it.
- Update the required fields.
- Click “Save”.
Step 6: Add a New Asset
To add a new asset:
- Choose either “Add a Vehicle” or “Add a Stationary Asset” based on the asset type.
- For vehicles, provide details like:
- Vehicle Type
- Registration City
- Plate Code
- Plate Number
- Fuel Subtype
- Asset Name
- VIN Number
Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk.
If adding a vehicle without plate details, select “Unregistered” for the license type and enter the required details.
Step 7: Bulk Additions
For bulk additions:
- Select “Upload Batch” in the asset list.
- Download the sample Excel sheet.
- Delete the example values but keep the column names.
- Fill in the bulk data and upload the sheet.
- Enter the License Type, Vehicle Type, Registration City, and Fuel Subtype.
- Click “Submit” to complete.