How to Add or Update Client Assets

To Add or Update Client Assets

Step 1: Go to the Client List

Navigate to the Client List on the Early Warning Dashboard.

Step 2: Search for the Client

Use the search function to locate the client.

Step 3: Edit Client Details

Click the edit icon under the “Actions” column.

Step 4: View Assets

Select the “Assets V2” tab to view all assets added for the client.

Step 5: Update an Existing Asset

To update an asset:

  1. Search for the asset.
  2. Click the edit icon next to it.
  3. Update the required fields.
  4. Click “Save”.

Step 6: Add a New Asset

To add a new asset:

  1. Choose either “Add a Vehicle” or “Add a Stationary Asset” based on the asset type.
  2. For vehicles, provide details like:
    • Vehicle Type
    • Registration City
    • Plate Code
    • Plate Number
    • Fuel Subtype
    • Asset Name
    • VIN Number

    Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk.

If adding a vehicle without plate details, select “Unregistered” for the license type and enter the required details.

Step 7: Bulk Additions

For bulk additions:

  1. Select “Upload Batch” in the asset list.
  2. Download the sample Excel sheet.
  3. Delete the example values but keep the column names.
  4. Fill in the bulk data and upload the sheet.
  5. Enter the License Type, Vehicle Type, Registration City, and Fuel Subtype.
  6. Click “Submit” to complete.