How to View the Orders Failed in Reconciliation

To View the Orders Failed in Reconciliation

Automated reconciliation occurs for every order, where the system compares the tickets initiated by the pilot app with the tickets received by the backend from TCS. To view reconciliation details, follow these steps:

Step 1: Access the Early Warning Dashboard

Go to the Early Warning Dashboard:

Step 2: Navigate to Orders TCS Matching

Under the B2B tab, select ‘Orders TCS Matching’.

Step 3: Select Date Range & Search Order

Select the date range and search for the Order ID.
The reconciliation status will be displayed:

  • All tickets matched successfully: Reconciliation is complete with no missing fuel-up instances.

Step 4: Check for Missing TCS Tickets

If you see ‘Missing TCS Tickets’, it indicates:

  • The pilot app recorded a fuel-up, but the TCS did not upload this information.
  • If this status remains unchanged for more than 6 hours, contact the IoT team for resolution.

Step 5: Check for Extra TCS Tickets

If you see ‘Received More TCS Tickets’, it may indicate:

  • A bug on the pilot application.
  • The pilot may have manually fueled up an order with all correct codes.
  • Raise this issue with the relevant teams for further investigation.

Step 6: View Detailed Ticket Information

Click on the Order ID to see the details of all tickets, including any that are missing from either the pilot app or the TCS upload.