How to Add or Update Fleet Fuelling Contract Pricing or Project Information

To Manage Fleet Fueling Contract Pricing or Project Information

Step 1: Go to the Client List

Navigate to the Client List on the Early Warning Dashboard.

Step 2: Search for the Client

Use the search function to locate the client.

Step 3: Edit Client Details

Click the edit icon under the “Actions” column.

Step 4: View Projects

Select the “Projects” tab to view all projects the client has signed up for with Cafu.

Step 5: View Product and Pricing Details

Click on the project name to see all products offered and their pricing details.

Step 6: Add or Update Product Pricing

To add a new product or update pricing:

  1. Click “Add Product”.
  2. Select the product to add or update.
  3. Enter the pricing details and start date.
  4. Click “Submit”.

You can provide a fixed price for the client or set a market price offered on the B2C application.

It is also possible to offer a flat discount or a percentage discount capped to a specific value.

Note: New product pricing or updates can only have a start date in the future. Ensure all changes are made at least a day in advance.